Brewing Coffee is Not Rocket Science
Whether you are getting ready to traverse the cosmos or just trying to wake up, brewing out of this world coffee is only a few simple steps away.

Prepare for Lift Off
Pair large text with an image to tell a story, explain a detail about your product, or describe a new promotion.
Rocket Fuel
Add two tablespoons of Copper Moon Coffee per six ounces of fresh water for brewing.

Blast Off
Fire up the coffee maker and prepare for interstellar coffee bliss! For single-serve cups, smaller brews stronger.
Landing on the Moon
Touchdown! Now it is time to sit back and enjoy coffee that is out of this world.
CAUTION: Coffee is very hot after brewing.

Lunar Gateway
To keep Copper Moon Coffee fresh, store in a cool, dry place. After opening, tightly roll and seal bags using the attached sticker, or transfer to an airtight container.